Say NO to autos (in Chennai)
Myself and Vijaya went to Coimbatore on 5th April for one day. During this outing we outclassed ourselves - even otherwise, we are two frugal people - not thrifty, but ecnomical, definitely. Yes, we count our paise and think twice before parting with it. A habit for over 60 odd years in my case, and 50 odd in Vijaya's case, does not wash off, you see, in a single monsoon drizzle!
We would have decided to travel by autorickshaw, but when we see the difference between the MTC fare in Chennai (they are downright silliest in the World) and the auto fare (they are the downright atrocious in the world), we change our mind and travel in MTC bus. Or, even better, WALK (if ihe distance permits) ! It has happened a lot of times. Ditto for many other purchases, eating-out, etc.
This visit to Coimbatore was just for a day, we had less luggage to carry; so our minds refused to travel by auto to Central Station (65 - 70 rupees) - we took instead bus No 21 (just 7.00 for two). While returning today, we again took bus only ! Cool saving of over Rs 120, for the two trips, won't you agree ?
We were sitting in this bus today waiting for it to start - and suddenly, a police-looking (I took her to be one when I first entered the bus) woman in her late twenties, took the driver's seat and started driving it !! In Hyderabad, we were used to woman-conductors, but a woman-driver? There is a first time in life for everything, I admitted to myself. For record, I must tell you she drove allright (ha ha).
20-40 on 6th April 2006
Myself and Vijaya went to Coimbatore on 5th April for one day. During this outing we outclassed ourselves - even otherwise, we are two frugal people - not thrifty, but ecnomical, definitely. Yes, we count our paise and think twice before parting with it. A habit for over 60 odd years in my case, and 50 odd in Vijaya's case, does not wash off, you see, in a single monsoon drizzle!
We would have decided to travel by autorickshaw, but when we see the difference between the MTC fare in Chennai (they are downright silliest in the World) and the auto fare (they are the downright atrocious in the world), we change our mind and travel in MTC bus. Or, even better, WALK (if ihe distance permits) ! It has happened a lot of times. Ditto for many other purchases, eating-out, etc.
This visit to Coimbatore was just for a day, we had less luggage to carry; so our minds refused to travel by auto to Central Station (65 - 70 rupees) - we took instead bus No 21 (just 7.00 for two). While returning today, we again took bus only ! Cool saving of over Rs 120, for the two trips, won't you agree ?
We were sitting in this bus today waiting for it to start - and suddenly, a police-looking (I took her to be one when I first entered the bus) woman in her late twenties, took the driver's seat and started driving it !! In Hyderabad, we were used to woman-conductors, but a woman-driver? There is a first time in life for everything, I admitted to myself. For record, I must tell you she drove allright (ha ha).
20-40 on 6th April 2006
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