COMMUNICATION - Part 3 UMA wrote on 29 Sept 2004 Dear Mama Your mail on communication( and lack) is suberb. It brought back nostalgic memory of my childhood days of Allahabad. When we returned from school, Amma used to read to us letters written by Patti Thatha, Mama, Chitappas and others. It was a cherished moments for us. The internet and email though brought us in touching distance but _the personal touch_ of reading a hand written letter is missing now a days. The songs Sandeshe aate hain, chitti aathi hai and _dakia dak laya_ are living tribute to our postal system. After reading your mail I listened to these lovely songs many times. An apt song for people like us who are living far away from their loved ones. Keep mailing. Your mail reminds us of R K. Narayan writing. With Love Uma ********** Neeraja wrote on 30 Sep 2004. Dear Appa, A strong, thought-provoking, very nostalgic mail. And, equally nostalgic, thought-provoking replies. Just last week, Ashok and I were talkin...