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Showing posts from August, 2004

Time Machine

Time Machine *** Back in Time Machine. Yesterday evening I was transported to a bygone time, some 30-40 years back as if in a Time Machine. It all started with an innocuous telephone call at 4pm inviting Krithika to sing in a place called "Panchamukha Anjaneyar Temple" near "Chithrai Kulam" , Mylapore, Chennai. Everyone knows the Mylapore Kulam, but chithrai kulam ... ? No one was aware of its location, exactly where does it exist. Somewhere in South Maada Street, we could see in the map. We reached Mylapore, the Chithrai kulam was there where it was supposed to be as per the map. But. where was this PA temple? Locals didn't know its existence, if it existed at all; a few of them actually mis-directed us, though it was no fault of theirs - none seemed to know about this PAT. We were going in rounds and rounds in the narrowest gullies of Mylapore. Finally a good Samaritan came along and he walked with us to show the place - it was NOT a temple, but an old dilapid...